Residents of a Las Vegas neighborhood are not happy about the possibility of a new cell tower to be constructed in their community. AT&T has issued a proposal to erect an 80-foot tall cell tower in their gated community in order to improve wireless coverage. According to the Las Vegas Review Journal, “The County Planning Commission approved it after hearing from opponents and the developer, noting in part that it meets county requirements and will aid cellphone reception, which is important for emergencies.”
If the cell tower proposal wins final approval, then the property owner needs to make sure he/she is properly informed and represented prior to signing any long-term agreement with the telecom company. Vertical Consultants has worked with all types of property owners who are being paid below-market value for the use of their property. The primary reason for this is the lack of information and representation provided for these entities. Ample information and representation from a true landowner advocate are key factors a property owner needs in order to optimize the use of his/her property.