The passing of a new law in Wisconsin last year has brought about changes in cell phone tower regulations. Now, it will be easier for a telecom or tower company to construct a tower, as the new permitting process will allow them to build almost anywhere, without local government approval. According to a representative from Verizon via, “Our investments and our network seek a path of least resistance, and often times municipalities will deploy certain measures to slow down our ability to site our facilities as we say.”
With the new legislation making infrastructure development even easier for the telecom and tower companies, property owners need to be aware of the ins and outs of the cell tower industry, especially as this trend will make these entities even more powerful. Landowners must seek proper representation to assist them throughout any cell tower lease negotiation process. Vertical Consultants has worked with all types of landowners who are being paid below-market value for the use of their property. The primary reason for this is the lack of information and representation provided for these entities. Ample information and representation from a true landowner advocate are key factors these industries need in order to optimize the use of their properties by the telecom and tower giants.