Cell Tower Leases


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Tower Valuation


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Video Testimonials

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have extra income that provides short and long-term financial benefits? Many of your colleagues are enjoying increased profits because they have a solid cell site lease agreement.

Our team at Vertical Consultants works with over 20 of the Top 100 Self-Storage companies in North America. Adding a cell site on your property can be extremely lucrative. However, the key to success is making sure that you have a structured lease agreement with comprehensive terms that maximize rent and protects you and your property.

Testimonials From Some Of Our Clients:

Vertical Consultants has achieved significant rent increases for Uncle Bob’s Self Storage facilities across the nation.

Rent Increased 120% in Cincinnati, OH

Rent Increased 589% in Nesbitt, MS


“Vertical Consultants increased our cell tower rents across

North America and I strongly recommend them.”

-Ed, Amsdell Companies

Rent Increased 3x Original Lease Rate


“We had an existing cell tower with Verizon. Verizon wanted to terminate the lease. We hired Vertical Consultants to negotiate and secure ownership of the cell tower, and a substantial cash settlement.

Shortly thereafter, AT&T approached us wanting to lease space on our newly acquired tower.

We hired Vertical Consultants again, and they negotiated and came up with lease rate well over 3 times lease rate when Verizon owned it.

This was a huge value-added situation created by Vertical Consultants.

Throughout both experiences with Vertical Consultants, communication was excellent and industry expertise was invaluable. We would have never achieved the results without their help.”

–Brad Sherman, Managing Principal, StoreSmart Self Storage


“While I was somewhat skeptical initially, I decided to send my lease to Vertical Consultants. Upon review, they found significant unpaid rent and unpaid expenses from our cell tower lease. They offered a well-informed representative to negotiate the lease with the cell tower company. I highly recommend Vertical Consultants to any landlord who is considering putting a cell tower on their property.”

-Ed Freeman, Managing Partner, StorPlace Self-Storage


“We have cell site leases across the country.

Vertical Consultants continues to impress us with results.”

-David, Landvest Corporation


“If you want results, contact Vertical Consultants.

Our rent increased by 250%.”

-Kevin, National Storage Affiliates


As the nation’s leading cell site consulting firm, Vertical Consultants has secured over $150,000,000.00 in cell site rents for clients across North America since 2010.

In 2015, Vertical Consultants averaged an 338% immediate increase in cell site rents. Contact a member of the Vertical Consultants Team to find out how to generate more revenue for your Self-Storage business.
