After a year since the first application, a major tower company has issued another proposal to the Planning Board of Rome, Maine. They wish to construct a 190-foot tower on privately owned land, in order to provide service to wireless customers who virtually have none currently. However, many residents of the small town are opposed to such a plan, as they are concerned about the preservation of the historical town. According to the Morning Sentinel, “Environmental groups say the tower will ruin the view, while the applying company says it is needed to provide better reception to residents.”
If the Planning Board does approve the application for a new cell tower this time around, it is vital that the landowner seeks proper counsel to assist with the lease negotiating process. The property owner must make sure to receive the true value for the use of his/her land, including any revenue sharing produced from co-locator income. Vertical Consultants has worked with all types of property owners, including individuals, who are being paid below-market value for the use of their property. The primary reason for this is the lack of information and representation provided for these entities.