Verizon’s proposal to construct a tower on agricultural land in Southampton County, Virginia has passed unanimously after a Board meeting. The new cell tower will stand at 199 feet and will expand service to several surrounding areas with little or no wireless service. According to The Tidewater News, “The commission felt the new tower would be a positive contribution to the telecommunications services available in the county. That sentiment was shared during the supervisors’ regular meeting. A county resident who lives three miles from the proposed site, also voiced support for the structure, saying it would be ‘a big plus’.”
The real question is whether the property owners have received a fair proposal for the use of their farming land. Vertical Consultants can work to negotiate terms that establish rights that are beneficial to the landowner while limiting the obligations that same party may have under that same agreement, or more to the point get the most and give up the least. A property owner’s first step will need to be to establish “True Value” of its site and go from there.