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DISH’s Ambitious Goal

In a recent bid to support the growing 5G demand across the US, DISH has decided that an aggressive strategy is best. The network company moved to join forces with several companies in order to expand its dream of building a 5G network large enough to cover at least 70% of the US before the year 2023.

As a result of this bold goal, DISH struck a deal to access to over 4,000 towers in the near term. This deal being in addition to DISH’s recent transactions with Crown Castle and Vertical Bridge to use up to over 20,000 cell sites in the coming years. These towers will be spread across the country to assist in the progression of the network’s range. This will obviously benefit the tower lease holders as well.

DISH is currently working with many tower companies to engineer this plan. Their recent deal included Parallel Infrastructure, Harmoni Towers, Mobilite, Phoenix Tower International, Vogue Towers, and Tower Ventures are all on an open RAN, 5G wireless network. In order to complete their vision, DISH will be powered through the combined use of these various towers.

What Is 5G?

In simple terms, 5G is the next step on the ladder of internet connectivity. It offers faster data download and upload speeds. Through greater access to cell towers, it will provide its users with the ability to connect far more devices to the network without losing speed.

With the introduction of 5G across our networks, we will be able to use the internet more efficiently. This means people can surf the internet faster, download, stream, and upload items at far greater speeds than what 4G currently offers.

4G works at around 45Mbps. That is pretty fast, but nothing compared to the projected success of 5G, which is said to be 10-20 times faster. This means it could take just over a minute to download a movie in HD.

As the world becomes more dependent on mobile data, 4G providers are struggling to keep up with capacity demands. This is due to the sheer mass of users on the existing spectrum bands. Too many people mean that the service is slow and bottlenecks occur, which is why 5G is so significant.


DISH’s new collaborations provide promising changes for areas where there is a higher density of users. More urban, built-up areas in particular will receive the highest level of service due to the number of transmitting towers that can relay the 5G signal.

There is also more scope for DISH to set up boosters in these locations in order to strengthen the signal in high usage areas such as shopping malls. It’s not just good news for the cities; it’s good news for those residents in the country too. The increase in towers due to the collaboration will mean that 5G will have a broader reach overall, even to the small towns and communities, though the digital divide still remains an issue.

Truth and Rumors About 5G