Due to the high volume of questions we have received regarding cell tower leases and the telecom industry, Vertical Consultants will begin taking your questions and answering them, right here, every week. Do you have a question regarding your cell tower or telecom lease? We want to hear it! Vertical Consultants is proud to provide property owners a unique platform to have their questions heard and answered by our team of experts. With decades of experience in the telecom industry, the team at Vertical Consultants is a prime source for vital information and insider knowledge and we want to share this with you, the property owner.
Tax implications, cell tower lease buyouts and extensions, perpetual easements, new cell tower leases and general telecom questions: we’ll have the answers to these and so much more. We invite you to take the first step in increasing the value of your land by contacting us with your questions. Tweet us at VertConsultants, like us on Facebook, or send your question through our website www.vertical-consultants.com. We look forward to hearing from you and remember, the telecom companies have experts working for them, shouldn’t you?