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Property owners across the country, especially those with existing tower leases may be hard pressed to distinguish a true telecom consultant and property owner advocate from one who only appears to be so on the surface.  Landowners with existing telecom leases are constantly contacted by companies who seem to be consultants due to the way they communicate with a landowner.  For instance, companies like AP Wireless, Unison, Communication Capitol Group—those who are in the business of buying leases—they will tell you they can increase the value of your lease, or that they are looking for additional sites in the landowner’s area.

Using this kind of language, they appear to be telecom consultants rather than the finance companies they truly are.  In addition to this, there are consulting firms who claim they can assist you, but are actually working on both the telecom’s side and the property owner’s side, creating a conflict of interest.  You must be aware of who you are speaking with when it relates to your cell tower lease.  If you are unsure of who is contacting you or their motive for contacting you, ask questions.

When you are contacted by a company, be sure to ask the company the following:

  • Do you have any arrangements with tower companies or carriers?
  • Do you work for tower companies directly?
  • Are you solely advocating for property owners?
  • Are you being paid by a telecom company, tower developer or a finance company?

This will help you determine who is on your side versus who is simply trying to make money off your assets. Rely on a company who has no conflict of interest and no arrangement with telecoms or tower developers. Rely on someone who works in the property owner’s best interest. Rely on Vertical Consultants, the only true landowner advocate who gets their clients results.